Electrolytic Fixed Capacitor
The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the appearance of the body.AAQL
Body Style:
W/o mtg facilities, axial terminals
An indication that the level of probability that an item will operate without failure,at a specified rated capability,at a specified temperature,and for a specified period of time,has been established by testing random samples of production lot.AARG
Reliability Indicator:
The rate of failure determined under specified conditions to establish the reliability of an item,expressed in percent.AARH
Reliability Failure Rate Level In Percent:
A measurement of the longest dimension of a terminal,in distinction from width.ABJT
Terminal Length:
Between 1.250 inches and 1.750 inches
The length of a straight line which passes through the center of the body,and terminates at the circumference.ABPM
Body Diameter:
Between 0.192 inches and 0.217 inches
A measurement of the longest dimension of the body,in distinction from width.ADAQ
Body Length:
Between 0.924 inches and 0.986 inches
The length of a straight line which passes through the center of a terminal,and terminates at the circumference.AEBT
Terminal Diameter:
Between 0.192 inches and 0.217 inches
The distance from the end of the terminal to the body of the item.AEBU
Terminal Height From Body:
0.175 inches
A designator indicating a graphic representation,in standard and accepted symbols,of essential electrical-electronic elements and related connections on the item.AEBZ
Schematic Diagram Designator:
No common or grounded electrode (s)
The relative level of the quantity of electric charge at a given potential which the capacitor is capable of receiving and storing per section.CQBQ
Capacitance Value Per Section:
1.900 microfarads all sections
The highest value and type of potential that may be continuously applied to the item per section at the highest operating temperature permissible without voltage derating.CQWM
Nonderated Continuous Voltage Rating And Type Per Section:
75.0 dc all sections
The limits of permissible deviation per section of a measured value from a specified value.CRTP
Tolerance Range Per Section:
-10.00/+10.00 percent all sections
Indicates the type and number of terminals for providing electrical connection.TTQY
Terminal Type And Quantity:
2 uninsulated wire lead