Mica Dielectric Fixed Capacitor
An indication that the level of probability that an item will operate without failure,at a specified rated capability,at a specified temperature,and for a specified period of time,has been established by testing random samples of production lot.AARG
Reliability Indicator:
Not established
A measurement of the longest dimension of a terminal,in distinction from width.ABJT
Terminal Length:
1.250 inches
A measurement of the longest dimension of the body,in distinction from width.ADAQ
Body Length:
0.450 inches
A measurement taken at right angles to the length of the body,in distinction from thickness.ADAT
Body Width:
0.360 inches
A measurement from the bottom to the top of the body,in distinction from depth.ADAU
Body Height:
0.170 inches
The center to center distance between terminals parallel to the length of the item.AEBP
Unable To Decode:
Unable to decode and unable to decode
A designator indicating a graphic representation,in standard and accepted symbols,of essential electrical-electronic elements and related connections on the item.AEBZ
Schematic Diagram Designator:
No common or grounded electrode (s)
Direct current resistance between two conductors that are separated by an insulating material,measured at the maximum operating temperature of the item.CQBF
Insulation Resistance At Maximum Operating Temp:
20000.0 megohms
The temperature/s/ at which an item can function without voltage derating.CQJJ
Unable To Decode:
Unable to decode and unable to decode
The temperature/s/ at which an item can function without voltage derating.CQJJ
Unable To Decode:
Between -55.0 degrees celsius and unable to decode
The minimum and maximum values of the permissible change in capacitance per section caused by a change in temperature,expressed in parts per million per degree celsius.CRDN
Tempurature Coefficient Of Capacitance Range Per Section In Ppm Per Deg Celsius:
-200.0 to 200.0 single section
The chemical compound or mechanical mixture properties of which the case is fabricated.CWJK
Case Material:
Direct current resistance between two conductors that are separated by an insulating material,measured at reference temperature.CWPK
Insulation Resistance At Reference Temp:
100000.0 megohms
The metallic,nonmetallic,and/or chemical properties with which the item is plated,dipped,and/or coated. the treatment is designed to protect the terminal surface(s) and cannot be wiped off.CWSG
Terminal Surface Treatment: