The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the appearance of the body.AAQL
Body Style:
Bushing mounted
The length of a straight line which passes through the center of the body,and terminates at the circumference.ABPM
Body Diameter:
0.563 inches
A measurement of the longest dimension of a bushing,in distinction from width.ABXD
Bushing Length:
Between 0.385 inches and 0.415 inches
A measurement of the longest dimension of the body,in distinction from width.ADAQ
Body Length:
0.766 inches
The length of a straight line which passes through the center of the actuator,and terminates at the circumference.AFUR
Actuator Diameter:
Between 0.485 inches and 0.515 inches
Actuator Height:
Between 0.495 inches and 0.525 inches
The maximum voltage rating at which the item is designed to operate in an alternating current and/or direct current circuit,expressed in volts.AFXE
Maximum Voltage Rating In Volts:
28.0 dc
Indicates the type of inclosure provided to coat,cover,protect,or encase the item.AKNA
Inclosure Type:
Fully enclosed
The means of attaching the item.AXGY
Mounting Method:
Threaded bushing
The number of threads on the item per linear inch measured on a line parallel to the thread axis.CMLP
Thready Qty Per Inch (tpi):
A designation that is used for the purpose of general identification of the thread.CQJX
Thread Size:
0.469 inches
The designation that identifies the electrical configuration of a nonpile-up contact group including the number of switching poles or forms.CRLD
Nonpile-up Contact Arrangement:
1 pole, double throw, one position momentary single switch unit
The amount of current the contacts are rated to make or break at maximum rated voltage,with a specified load.CXQR
Contact Load Current Rating At Maximum Rated Voltage:
3.000 amperes resistive dc and 1.000 amperes inductive dc
A designation distinguishing one group of thread diameter-pitch combinations from another by the number of threads per measurement scale for a specific diameter.THSD
Thread Series Designator:
Indicates the type and number of terminals for providing electrical connection.TTQY
Terminal Type And Quantity:
3 wire lead