The number of complete cyclic changes,per unit of time,for which an item is rated.ACZB
Frequency Rating:
9.000 gigahertz single antenna element and 9.200 gigahertz single antenna element
The graphical representation of the radiation pattern of the device as a function of direction.AJCU
Radiation Pattern:
Unidirectional single antenna element
Indicates the type of beam pattern of received signals from an item with unidirectional radiation.AJCV
Unidirectional Beam Type:
Pencil single antenna element
The amount of electrical energy that can be dissipated.AJDB
Power Rating:
150.000 kilowatts peak single antenna element
The angle between two opposite half-power (three decibel (3 db)) points of the beam.CTLS
Beam Width Angle:
46.0 degrees horizontal single antenna element and 8.0 degrees vertical single antenna element
The ratio of the signal intensity of an item radiated in a specific direction to the signal intensity radiated in the same direction by a standard device,expressed in decibels.CTMN
Power Gain In Decibels:
39.00 single antenna element