The name assigned to the item by the joint electronics type designation system.AKWA
Joint Electronics Type Designation System Item Name:
Radio set
The type number assigned to the item by the joint electronics type designation system.AKWB
Joint Electronics Type Designation System Item Type Number:
Describes the capabilities,intended use,and/or purpose for which the item is provided.FTLD
Functional Description:
Operates either as a short range (8km) vehicular or dismountable manpack radio set fot tactical communication of voice, voice-frequency fsk or digital data, communication can be secured or frequency hopped for comsec-eccm purposes or both
Indicates the relationship,such as construction,capabilities,and the like,of the item to a similar item.RTSE
Relationship To Similar Equipment:
One way interchangeable with-all previous models: an/vrc-88a, 88c, 88d, 88f.An/vrc-88b and an/vrc-88e are not acitve tds.