The distance measured in a straight line from the bottom to the top of an item.ABKW
Overall Height:
6.970 inches
An overall measurement taken at right angles to the length of an item,in distinction from thickness.ABMK
Overall Width:
8.360 inches
The relationship of the electrical power source to the item.AKWC
Electrical Power Source Relationship:
The input value/s/,or range of values,for which the item is rated.APNX
Input Voltage Rating:
220.0 ac pounds per hour dry 2nd operating power rqmt and 240.0 ac pounds per hour with retaining chain 2nd operating power rqmt
The input value/s/,or range of values,for which the item is rated.APNX
Input Voltage Rating:
100.0 ac pounds per hour dry 1st operating power rqmt and 120.0 ac pounds per hour with retaining chain 1st operating power rqmt
The ambient temperature range at which the item is designed to operate.AYNH
Operating Ambient Tempurature Range:
+0.1/+55.0 degrees celsius