A measurement taken at right angles to the length of an item,in distinction from thickness.ABGL
7.500 inches
The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the peripheral shape of the item.ABMW
Edge Shape:
Rectangle, four holes
A measurement of the longest dimension of any object,in distinction from width.ABRY
8.665 inches
Distance Between Holes Along Length:
6.560 inches
Distance Between Holes Along Width:
Between 5.315 inches and 6.500 inches
Distance From First Hole Centerline To End Along Length:
1.065 inches
Distance From First Hole Centerline To End Along Width:
Between 0.500 inches and 0.853 inches
The length of a linear break at an angle to the surfaces forming the edge.ADPE
Corner Bevel Length:
1.040 inches