부품 정보
Letter f stamped on center on tooth face side 75 degrees 27 sec cw from center line of keyway
The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the appearance of the body.AAQL
Body Style:
Webbed, offset, with lightening holes
A measurement indicating the diameter-pitch per specific measurement scale of the item.AGJS
Pitch Diameter:
6.6251 inches
The number of teeth included on the item.AJLA
Teeth Quantity:
The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the appearance of the bore.ANTP
Bore Style:
10a w/ keyway both ends
A numeric value that reflects the hardness of an item when used in conjunction with a hardness rating scale.CQFM
Hardness Rating:
22.8 rockwell c and 29.8 rockwell c
The nominal length of a straight line which passes through the center of an item,and terminates at the outside circumference.CWCD
Outside Diameter:
6.873 inches
Indicates the type of teeth included on the item.CWMW
Teeth Type:
Single helix
An indication as to whether the teeth are a standard depth or modified to a shorter depth.CWNH
Tooth Form:
The direction the teeth curve when viewed from the edge of the item.CWNM
Tooth Direction:
The measurement of the pressure angle on the item.CWPP
Pressure Angle:
20.0000 degrees
The measurement of the helix angle on the item.CWPZ
Helix Angle:
19.3718 degrees
The nominal distance between the body face and the protruding hub end.CWQL
Distance Between Body Face And Protruding Hub End:
0.125 inches second end
The nominal distance between the body face and the protruding hub end.CWQL
Distance Between Body Face And Protruding Hub End:
0.063 inches first end
A measurement taken at right angles to the length of the face,in distinction from thickness.CWRM
Face Width:
1.125 inches
The nominal length of a straight line which passes through the center of a bore,and terminates at the circumference.CWRS
Bore Diameter:
1.313 inches both ends
A nominal measurement taken at right angles to the length of a keyway,in distinction from thickness.CWSN
Keyway Width:
0.252 inches both ends
The nominal distance from the center of the bore to the bottom of the keyway(s).CWSR
Distance From Bore Center To Keyway Bottom:
0.829 inches both ends
The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the appearance of the hub.CWTR
Hub Style Designator:
1 step first end
The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the appearance of the hub.CWTR
Hub Style Designator:
Plain second end
The nominal length of a straight line which passes through the center of a hub,and terminates at the circumference.CWTX
Hub Diameter:
2.125 inches second end
A nominal measurement of the longest dimension of the end of the item,in distinction from width.CWWH
End Length:
0.250 inches first end
The nominal length of a straight line which passes through the center of the end of the item,and terminates at the circumference.CWWN
End Diameter:
1.813 inches first end
A nominal measurement of the longest dimension of the first step,in distinction from width.CWWS
First Step Length:
0.813 inches first end
The nominal length of a straight line which passes through the center of the first step,and terminates at the circumference.CWXB
First Step Diameter:
2.125 inches first end
The chemical compound or mechanical mixture properties of which the item is fabricated.MATT
Steel comp 1035
The specification,standard,or manufacturers reference,and the classification designation,such as class,condition,temper,and the like,that identifies the material.MDCL
Material Specification:
66 federal standard single material response and aisi/sae 1035 assn standard single material response
The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the appearance of the item.STYL
Style Designator:
Cone shape body, protruding hubs