The national stock number or the identification information of the end equipment for which the item is a part.AGAV
End Application:
F-15 ais; nha p/n: 2129417-5; used on: test station, electrical 4920010094802; effectivity: installed on: u-18 to 24; usable on: u-1 through 00up
The relationship of the electrical power source to the item.AKWC
Electrical Power Source Relationship:
Indicates the relationship,such as construction,capabilities,and the like,of the item to a similar item.RTSE
Relationship To Similar Equipment:
Similar item: 6130010040101
The justification for the assignment of a federal supply class /fsc/ to an item based on the classification of the next higher classifiable assembly.ZZZV
Fsc Application Data:
Test station, is specially designed, acft