부품 번호:
The number of turns of conductive material forming the winding.ABHY
Turn Quantity:
25000 single component single winding
The means by which the rating is determined.BKPL
Rating Method:
Electrical single component single winding and winding turns single component single winding
The size of the conductor which forms the winding on the item.CQPZ
Winding Conductor Size:
0.00500 inches american wire gage single component single winding
The amount of operating current for which the winding is designed.CRBZ
Winding Operating Current:
0.2 amperes dc single component single winding
The opposition to the flow of direct current offered by an item,expressed in ohms.CRGS
Dc Resistance Rating In Ohms:
3300.000 single component single winding
The value/s/ of the operating voltage applied to the winding.CWJS
Winding Operating Voltage:
115.00 dc pounds per hour wet single component single winding