The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the appearance of the head.AASK
Head Style:
Flush (flat) countersunk (included angle - less than 135 degrees w or w/o chamfer)
The length of a straight line which passes through the center of the body of the shank and terminates at the circumference.AAZE
Shank Diameter:
Between 0.274 inches and 0.276 inches
Head Major Diameter:
Between 0.4318 inches and 0.4320 inches
The device by which the item is expanded and set.ABAF
Expansion Device:
Serrated stem-type w
A measurement of the longest dimension of the grip,in distinction from width.ANEE
Grip Length:
Between 0.531 inches and 0.595 inches
The maximum rated load in tension applied in a longitudinal direction,per unit of cross-sectional area,that the material can withstand without rupture.CQBC
Min. Tensile Strength (psi):
3650 pounds per square inch
The minimum load,applied perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis of an item,at which point the item will fracture when subjected to the standard shear test method.CQSX
Shear Strength:
5900 single pounds per square inch
The included angle of the countersink.CRSQ
Countersink Angle:
Between 99.0 degrees and 101.0 degrees
The chemical compound or mechanical mixture properties of which the item is fabricated.MATT
Steel locking ring or iron alloy 660 locking ringsteel comp 4027 sleeve or steel comp 4037 sleevesteel comp 8740 stem
The specification,standard,or manufacturers reference,and the classification designation,such as class,condition,temper,and the like,that identifies the material.MDCL
Material Specification:
Ams 5737 assn standard all material responses locking ringaisi assn standard all material responses sleeveaisi assn standard single material response stem
The metallic,nonmetallic,and/or chemical properties with which the item is plated,dipped,and/or coated.the treatment is designed to protect the surface(s) and cannot be wiped off.SFTT
Surface Treatment:
Cadmium locking ring or passivate locking ringcadmium sleevecadmium stem
The specification,standard,or manufacturers reference,and the classification designation,such as type,class,grade,and the like,that identifies the surface treatment material.STDC
Surface Treatment Specification:
Mil-f-81177 military specification 1st treatment response locking ring or qq-p-35 federal specification 2nd treatment response locking ringmil-f-81177 military specification single treatment response sleevemil-f-81177 military specification single treatment response stem