Mil-std-171 mil std single treatment response overall
Mil-std-171 mil std single treatment response overall
Mil-std-171 finish 5.4.1. Mil std single treatment response overall
Mil-std-171 finish 5.4.1 mil spec single treatment response overall
Mil-std-171,finish or mil spec single treatment response overall
Material is aluminum casting 355-356 temper t6 spec qq-a-601 or 596;allcorners to be 0.125 r unless otherwisespecified;finish no.7.3.1 plus 21.3 or21.9 of mil-std-171,color white no.27875;all holes and machined surfaces to be free of prime and paint;5 holes 0.250-20 unc-2b,csk 90 degrees to 0.260 in. Dia. Far side;3 holes 0.438 dia.,0.875 sf far side;overall length 17.625 n.;overall width 13.625
Mil-std-171, finish 5.4.2 mil std single treatment response
Mil-std-171 finish 5.4.1 mil spec single treatment response overall
Finish surface no. 5.1.1 or 5.2 plus 21.9 of mil-std-171,color white no27875
Mil-std-171,type 7.3 mil std single treatment response
Mil-std-171,table 5 finish 5.4 mil std single treatment response overall