부품 정보
C/o galvanometers, styluses, power supplies; front panel w/operating controls, microprocessor, all electronics necessary for operation; 40mm channel width; galvanometers: closed loop position fedback servo system; chart supply: z fold pack; point writing on thermal paper w/black or blue trace; freq. Response: flat w/in 1 db to 40hz at 40mm, flat to 1db at 10 divisions or 8mm peak to peak at 100hz; linearity: w/in 1pct of full scale; sensitivity: 0.5v full scale; input impedance: 5kohms; drift: less than 1mm in 24 hrs; temp: 32-104 deg. F; chart speed: 1mm/hr to 250mm/second in integer increment from 1 to 250 plus 500mm/second entered from panel mounted keyboard