부품 정보
Bandwidth dc to 500 mhz, 4 input channels, waveform capture rate 400.000 wfms/s, maximun sample rate 1 channel 2 gs/s, 2 channels 2 gs/s, 3, 4 channels 1 gs/s, equivalent time 100 gs/s, sensitivi type 1mv to 10 v/div 3, offset 1 to 100 mv/div porm 1v, 101 mv to 1 v/div porm 10 v, 1.01 v to 20 v/div porm 100v, dc gain accuracy porm 1.O pct /porm 0.7 pct typical/, vertical resolution 8 bits /256 level over 10.25 divison/ 13 bits with hi-res, 11 bit with averaging, 6.8 bits /500 mhz/2 gs/s/, 9.7 bits /1 mhz/10 gs/s, step response 0.5 pct error within 20 ns of a v step typical, input coupling ac, dc, gnd, imput impedance 1 mohms in parallel with 10pf or 50 ohms /ac and dc couplinr/, input voltage porm 400 v/dc peak ac/, derated at 20 db/decade above 1 mhz, 1 mohms or gnd