A recording of the physical,functional,and performance characteristics for an item of supply.TEXT
General Description:
Analog input voltage range--up toporm 10.0 vfs, input overvoltage--porm15 v max. With a recovery time of 500 nsec, input source current-10 ma max., analog output voltage range--porm 10.0vfs, output current--porm 5 ma, bw 500khz max. Full power at 3 db point, acquisition time--100 nsec, aperture time--10 nsec, feedthru--0.5 pct, setting time--1 usec, hold decay rate 50 uv in 1 usec, operating temp range p0.0 degrees c to p85.0 dec c, case matl black diallyl phthalate per specification mil-m-14, dim.--2.000 in. Lg, 1.000 in. W, 0.625 in. H