Nonmetallic Hose Assembly
The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the cross-sectional shape of the item.AAGR
Cross Sectional Shape:
A numeric-alpha designator indicating the pitch diameter tolerance and an external or internal thread.AAJD
Thread Class:
3b 1st end
The direction of the thread when viewed axially. a right-hand thread winds in a clockwise direction while a left-hand thread winds in a counterclockwise direction.AAJF
Thread Direction:
Right-hand 1st end
The length of a straight line which passes through the center of a circular figure or body,and terminates at the inside circumference.AARX
Inside Diameter:
0.891 inches
A value which expresses the degree of heat or cold as applied to the operation,or limitation of operation,of an item.ABJH
Tempurature Rating:
-100.0 degrees fahrenheit single response and 450.0 degrees fahrenheit single response
A measurement of the smallest dimension of a flange,in distinction from length or width.ABKU
Flange Thickness:
0.234 inches 2nd end
The length of a straight line which passes through the center of a circular figure or body,and terminates at the outside circumference.ABKV
Outside Diameter:
1.062 inches
The minimum inside bending radius formed without stressing or deformation of a flexible item.ACKH
Minimum Inside Bending Radius:
9.000 inches
A measurement of the center to center distance between the bolt holes along the width.ADUY
Center To Center Distance Between Bolt Holes Along Width:
1.312 inches 2nd end
A measurement of the center to center distance between the bolt holes along the length.ADUZ
Center To Center Distance Between Bolt Holes Along Length:
1.312 inches 2nd end
The number of bolt holes provided on the item.AECS
Bolt Hole Quantity:
4 2nd end
A measurement of the longest dimension of a flange,in distinction from width.AFQN
Flange Length:
1.766 inches 2nd end
A measurement taken at right angles to the length of a flange,in distinction from thickness.AGFF
Flange Width:
1.766 inches 2nd end
The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the appearance of the connection.AHNC
Connection Style:
Raised 2nd end
The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the appearance of the connection.AHNC
Connection Style:
Swivel nut flare 1st end
The length of a straight line which passes through the center of the bolt hole,and terminates at the circumference.AHNX
Bolt Hole Diameter:
0.205 inches 2nd end
A measurement from the bottom to the top surface of a raised face,in distinction from depth.AJED
Raised Face Height:
0.030 inches 2nd end
The length of a straight line which passes through the center of a raised face,and terminates at the circumference.AJEE
Raised Face Diameter:
1.500 inches 2nd end
The design used in constructing the end portion of the flange.AKUT
End Flange Construction:
Solid 2nd end
The physical configuration of the outside of the end connection.AKUU
End Connection Design:
Elbow 2nd end
The physical configuration of the outside of the end connection.AKUU
End Connection Design:
Straight 1st end
Indicates the type of connection/s/.AWLS
Connection Type:
Raised face flange 2nd end
Indicates the type of connection/s/.AWLS
Connection Type:
Threaded internal tube 1st end
The number of threads on the item per linear inch measured on a line parallel to the thread axis.CMLP
Thready Qty Per Inch (tpi):
12 1st end
The minimum internal pressure rating,determined by destruction tests,at which the item can be expected to rupture.CQBD
Burst Test Pressure:
4200.0 pounds per square inch
The material and formation identifying the structural characteristic/s/ of the item and location.CQCS
Layer Composition And Location:
Outer layer braided corrosion resistant steel wire
The maximum pressure at which the item is rated for operation.CQGM
Maximum Operating Pressure:
1000.0 pounds per square inch
A designation that is used for the purpose of general identification of the thread.CQJX
Thread Size:
1.312 inches 1st end
The angle of the end surface upon which the mated surface seats.CQRB
Seat Angle:
37.0 degrees 1st end
A steady,uniform,internal,static pressure that the item must withstand without leakage,abnormal distortion,or damage.CRDW
Hydrostatic Test Pressure:
2000.0 pounds per square inch
The angle that the flow is turned from the straight flow.CRFY
Flow Angle:
90.0 degrees 2nd end
The condition of the item with respect to the texture of the inner surface.CRWL
Inside Surface Condition:
The means used and the measurement of the longest dimension of an item.CRXX
Measuring Method And Length:
9.500 inches working
The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the appearance of the flange.CTCJ
Flange Style:
Rectangular (includes square) 2nd end
A designation distinguishing one group of thread diameter-pitch combinations from another by the number of threads per measurement scale for a specific diameter.THSD
Thread Series Designator:
Unj 1st end