부품 정보
Adderling x2-gold extender, local module
Extension Communications Central
The dimension measured along the longitudinal axis with terminated points at the extreme ends of the item.ABHP
Overall Length:
172.0 millimeters
The distance measured in a straight line from the bottom to the top of an item.ABKW
Overall Height:
26.0 millimeters
An overall measurement taken at right angles to the length of an item,in distinction from thickness.ABMK
Overall Width:
75.0 millimeters
The name and number of parts supplied with the item which may be required for application.AKYD
Accessory Components And Quantity:
Multi-cable 1; rs232 connection 1
The measured weight of an item unencumbered by packaging or packing material.AWJN
Unpackaged Unit Weight:
430.0 grams
The total electrical voltage,expressed in volts,and the type of current whether alternating or direct.CSBH
Voltage In Volts And Current Type:
240.0 ac-peak
Those unusual or unique characteristics or qualities of an item not covered in the other requirements and which are determined to be essential for identification.FEAT
Special Features:
Local module connects to computer
Describes the capabilities,intended use,and/or purpose for which the item is provided.FTLD
Functional Description:
Allows you to place the controlling keyboard, video monitor, mouse and a serial device up to 300 meters from a computer system