Timber Softwood Lumber
Indicates the maxmium slope of grain in relation to the length of the item.CQHF
Maximum Grain Slope:
Any acceptable
An indication of the species and grade of the item,and the grading association.CQWY
Species-grade And Grading Association:
Douglas fir select structural west coast lumber inspection bureau or douglas fir select structural western wood products association or larch select structural western wood products association or pine, southern dense structural 65 southern pine inspection bureau
The moisture content retained in the item after seasoning,expressed in percent.CRCL
Moisture Content Retention Percentage:
Any acceptable
A measurement taken at right angles to the length of an item,in distinction from thickness,its location on the item,and the measuring method used.CRPW
Width-location And Measuring Method:
12.000 inches specified
The means used and the measurement of the longest dimension of an item.CRXX
Measuring Method And Length:
14.000 feet specified
The extent of surface dressing or roughness of the item.CRYQ
Surface Condition Degree:
Rough-unsanded full length
A measurement of the smallest dimension of an item,in distinction from length or width,its location on the item,and the measuring method used.CSHP
Thickness-location And Measuring Method:
10.000 inches specified
The required purpose or application of the typical wood products for which the item is intended.CSTS
Typical Wood Products Use:
Preservative treated stress rated joists and planks for use in cribbing for bailey type bridges
Characteristics or qualities of an item,not covered in any other requirement,which are considered essential information for one or more functions excluding nsn assignment.SUPP
Supplementary Features:
Unit of issue-bf
The document designator of the specification or standard which established the item of supply.ZZZK
Specification Data:
81348-mm-l-751 government specification
The number,letter,or symbol that indicates the type,style,grade,class,and the like,of an item in a nonidentifying specification or standard.ZZZT
Specification Or Standard:
3 table