The maximum current load that each pole is rated to carry continuously.CPLM
Maximum Continuous Load Current Rating Per Pole:
8.0 amperes ac all locations
Indicates the type and value of operating voltage for which each pole is designed to operate,expressed in volts.CPRF
Operating Voltage Type And Rating Per Pole In Volts:
240.0 ac all locations
Indicates the type and value of the maximum short circuit current that the item will successfully interrupt,per pole,at the specified rated voltage,expressed in amperes.CPRG
Maximum Interrupting Capacity Current Type And Rating Per Pole In Amps:
300.0 ac all locations
Indicates the type of electrical condition that will cause the device to trip.CPRH
Circuit Protection Type:
Overcurrent all locations
The means by which the trip mechanism is released.CPRJ
Trip Release Method:
Magnetic all locations
Denotes the type of trip release action.CPRL
Trip Release Characteristic:
Time delay all locations
The continuous current rating per pole at which the device must trip in a specified time,expressed in percent.CPRN
Ultimate Trip Rating Of Continuous Current Rating Per Pole In Percent:
135.0 all locations
The means provided to reposition the mechanism so that the device is ready to function.CPRQ
Reset Method:
Indicates the type of mechanism provided for tripping main contacts.CPRR
Main Contact Tripping Mechanism Type:
Trip free
The basic internal electrical configuration of the trip mechanism.CPSM
Internal Trip Release Configuration:
Series trip all locations
The length of time,expressed in seconds,that an overload may exist before the device will trip at a specified continuous current.CQWN
Trip Delay Time In Seconds Per Rated Continuous Current:
0.500 at 200 pct all locations and 9.000 at 200 pct all locations
Indicates the type of protection for which the inclosure is designed.CQXF
Inclosure Protection Type For Which Designed:
General purpose
The cycles per second /hertz/ of the alternating current.FREQ
Frequency In Hertz:
60.0 all locations or 400.0 all locations
An indication of the precious material and its location in the item.PMLC
Precious Material And Location:
Terminal surfaces silver
Identification of the precious material contained in the item.PRMT
Precious Material:
Indicates the type and number of terminals for providing electrical connection.TTQY
Terminal Type And Quantity:
2 wire hook