The dimension measured along the longitudinal axis with terminated points at the extreme ends of the item.ABHP
Overall Length:
Between 0.3950 inches and 0.4050 inches
The length of a straight line which passes through the center of the body,and terminates at the outside circumference.ADAR
Body Outside Diameter:
0.3120 inches
The length of a straight line which passes through the center of a body,and terminates at the inside circumference.ADAS
Body Inside Diameter:
Between 0.1920 inches and 0.2020 inches
A measurement taken at right angles to the length of a flange,in distinction from thickness.AGFF
Flange Width:
Between 0.0810 inches and 0.1010 inches
The chemical compound or mechanical mixture properties of which the item is fabricated.MATT
Aluminum alloy 6061 or aluminum alloy 2024
The specification,standard,or manufacturers reference,and the classification designation,such as class,condition,temper,and the like,that identifies the material.MDCL
Material Specification:
Ams 4083 assn standard 1st material response or qq-a-250/5, t3 federal specification 2nd material response