부품 정보
Poliovirus vaccine inactivated modified 10 dose vial
U Poliovirus Vaccine Inactivated
The peculiar storage feature/s/ required for an item in order to provide the degree of protection necessary to maintain serviceability standards.AJCN
Protective Storage Feature:
Subject to damage by freezing
Indicates the type of container with which the item is in direct contact.ANNW
Immediate Container Type:
The number of immediate containers.ANNX
Immediate Container Quantity:
The number of items within each immediate container.ANNY
Quantity Within Each Immediate Container:
10 doses
Those unusual or unique characteristics or qualities of an item not covered in the other requirements and which are determined to be essential for identification.FEAT
Special Features:
Jsterile suspension of three types of poliovirus; type 1 (mahoney), type 2 (mef-1), and type 3 (saukett); one 5 ml multidose vial; 0.5 ml per dose; each sterile immunizing dose of trivalent vaccine contians 40 d antigen units of type 1, 8 d antigen units of type 2 and 32 d antigen of type 3 poliovirus; should be administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously; vaccine is stable if stored in the refrigerator between 2 degrees to 8 degrees c; there are 10 doses in the vial
Characteristics or qualities of an item,not covered in any other requirement,which are considered essential information for one or more functions excluding nsn assignment.SUPP
Supplementary Features:
Polio virus vaccine, inactivated