The dimension,measured along a line parallel to the longitudinal axis,from the largest bearing surface of the fastener head to the extreme opposite end,or as specifically designated for other type fasteners.AASB
Fastener Length:
Between 2.438 inches and 2.500 inches
The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the appearance of the head.AASK
Head Style:
Flat countersunk
The length of a straight line which passes through the center of a circular head,and terminates at the circumference.AASL
Head Diameter:
Between 0.308 inches and 0.332 inches
The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the appearance of the internal drive.ABQZ
Internal Drive Style:
The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the appearance of a nonmachine thread.CRGF
Nonmachine Thread Style:
Wood screw (type wd)
The included angle of the countersink.CRSQ
Countersink Angle:
Between 80.0 degrees and 82.0 degrees
The length of a straight line which passes through the center of the nonmachine threaded portion,and terminates at the circumference.CTYF
Nonmachine Thread Diameter:
0.164 inches
The chemical compound or mechanical mixture properties of which the item is fabricated.MATT
Copper alloy 268 or copper alloy 260 or copper alloy 270
The specification,standard,or manufacturers reference,and the classification designation,such as class,condition,temper,and the like,that identifies the material.MDCL
Material Specification:
Qq-b-613, comp 1 federal specification 1st material response or qq-b-626, comp 1 federal specification 1st material response or qq-b-728, comp b federal specification 2nd material response or qq-w-321, comp 6 federal specification 2nd material response or qq-w-321, comp 7 federal specification 3rd material response
The number,letter,or symbol that indicates the type,style,grade,class,and the like,of an item in a nonidentifying specification or standard.ZZZT
Specification Or Standard:
1 type and 2s style