A listing of those major components,outside the scope of an item of supply to be cataloged,as indicated by the name of the manufacturer,and the name and number of the item as identified by the manufacturer,and the number of each.AJKD
Nonsupply Items And Quantities:
1 p/n-a40 (40 compartment storage bin); 80-p/n- x82881 nut; 70-p/n x82882 x nut; 65-p/n-x82883 nut; 40-p/n-x82884 nut; 25-p/n-x82885 nut; 200-p/n x88445 washer; 200-p/n- x88446 washer; 150-p/n- x88447 washer; 100- p/n- x88448 washer; 75-p/n- x88449 washer; 500-p/n xa528 washer; 300-p/n-xa529 washer; 250-p/n xa530 washer; 200-p/n xa531 washer; 100-p/n xa532 washer; 80-p/n xa600 screw; 70-p/n xa601 screw; 60-p/n xa602 screw; 60-p/n xa603 screw; 60-p/n xa604 screw; 50-p/n xa616 screw; 50-p/n xa617 screw; 40-p/n-xa618 screw; 40-p/n xa619 screw; 30-p/n xa621 screw; 40-p/n xa631 screw; 35-p/n xa632 screw; 30-p/n xa634 screw; 25-p/n xa636 screw; 20-p/n xa638 screw; 25-p/n xa647 screw; 20-p/n xa648 screw; 20-p/n xa650 screw; 15-p/n xa652 screw; 15-p/n xa654 screw; 20-p/n xa662 screw; 15-p/n xa664 screw; 15-p/n xa666 screw; 10-p/n xa668 screw; 8-p/n xa672 screw