부품 번호:
부품 정보
Cylinder with collar full nsn 6830-00-782-6491, steel, compressed gas
Propane Compressed Gas Cylinder
The maximum pressure at which an item is designed to operate.AAJJ
Maximum Operating Pressure:
240.0 pounds per square inch
A number assigned to the item by the department of transportation to identify the design specification and service pressure of the cylinder.ABKC
Department Of Transportation Cylinder Identifying Number:
4b, 4ba, 4bw
The distance measured in a straight line from the bottom to the top of an item.ABKW
Overall Height:
25.120 inches
The length of a straight line which passes through the center of a cross section,and terminates at the outside circumference.ADVL
Cross Section Outside Diameter:
12.250 inches
The specific gas with which the item is designed to be used.AENF
Specific Gas For Which Designed:
Propane, liquid
The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the appearance of the cylinder.AJUK
Cylinder Style Designator:
Cylindrical type
An indication of whether or not a shatterproof feature is included.AQSY
Shatterproof Feature:
Not included
A measurement of the capacity of an item.AQXC
Capacity Rating:
40.0 pounds
An indication of whether or not a neck closure is provided.AQXE
Neck Closure:
Not provided
The specification or standard /governmental or industrial/ that specifically covers the item being described.AQXH
Spec/std Identifying Number:
58536 specification (includes engineering type bulletins, brochures, etc., that reflect specification type data in specification format; excludes commercial catalogs, industry directories, and similar trade publications, reflecting general type data on certain environmental and performance requirements and test conditions that are shown as "typical", "average", "", etc.).
Those unusual or unique characteristics or qualities of an item not covered in the other requirements and which are determined to be essential for identification.FEAT
Special Features:
Cylinder painted for designated gas usage