A recording of the physical,functional,and performance characteristics for an item of supply.TEXT
General Description:
Surface treatment is epoxy polyamide primer per mil-p-23377b-1, with a topcoat of acrylic lacquer per mil-l-81352-1, color no. 36231, dark gray perfed-std-595, media; air, output; 0.035 lbs/min at -65 degrees f max. Dew point, input; 0.070 lbs/min at +64 degrees f max., 34.4 psia nom., and 48 grains/lbs total moisture, pressure drop; 2.0 psi max. At 0.035 lbs/min flow, external leakage; (excluding reactivation flow) 0.01 lbs/hr at 34 psig nom., operating/non-operating ambient temps -65 degrees f to +160 degrees f, altitude; sea level to 70, 000 ft., weight 5.2 lbs. Max.