부품 번호 A102646

Motorpool Setup Kit

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All major credit cards accepted as well as gov. p-cards

이 제품의 과거 가격은 63941.15 and 83615.35 USD. 수량, 가용성, 상태, 리드 타임 및 품목 중단 가능성에 따라 최신 견적을 제공할 때까지 가격을 보장할 수 없습니다.

부품 번호
부품 번호:
측정 단위:
1 KT

부품 정보
Motorpool setup kit contains the following items; 50171c bolt bin assortment, 0.250 inch x 0.750 inch uss coarse, quantity type 1; 50171f bolt bin assortment, 0.250 inch x 0.750 inch sae fine, quantity type 1; 50172 0.3125 18 prevaling torque grade c unt, quantity type 100; 50174 0.375 16 prevaling torque grade c nut, quantity type 100; 50175 0.4375 14 prevaling torque grade c nut, quantity type 50; 50177 0.500 inch x 13 prevaling torque grade c nut, quantity type 50; 50178 0.5625 inch x 12 prevaling torque grade c nut, quantity type 50; 50179 0.625 inch x 11 prevaling torque grade c nut, quantity type 25; 50180 0.750 inch x 10 prevaling torque grade c nut, quantity type 25; 50181 0.250 inch x 28 prevaling torque grade c nut, quantity type 100; 50182 0.3125 inch x 24 prevaling torque grade c nut, quantity type 100; 50183 0.375 inch x 24 prevaling torque grade c nut, quantity type 100; 50184 0.4375 inch x 20 prevaling torque grade c nut, quantity type 50; 50186 0.500 inch x prevaling torque grade c nut, quantity type 50

국가 주식 번호:
4910-01-620-2533 4910016202533
Motorpool Setup Kit
아이템 이름 코드:
Characteristics or qualities of an item,not covered in any other requirement,which are considered essential information for one or more functions excluding nsn assignment.SUPP
Supplementary Features:
Motorpool setup kit also contains the following; 50187 0.5625 inch x 18 prevaling torque grade c nut, quantity type 50; 50179 0.625 inch x 11 prevaling torque grade c nut, quantity type 25; 50180 0.750 inch x 10 prevaling torque grade cnut, quantity type 25; 100934gm general maintenance kit, quantity type 1; 30108 abrasives and cutting tools asst, quantity type 1; 301306 brass and brake maintenance kit, quantity type 1; 40812 electrical maintenane kit, quantity type 1; 45924 general battery maintenance kit, quantity type 1; 48488 safety starter kit, quantity type 1; 48502 coarse fastener resupply kit, quantity type 1; 48599 fine resupply assortment, quantity type 1; 48540 mobile installation kit, quantity type 1; 48790 metric fastener maintenance kit, quantity type 1; 48966 heavy hydraulics maintenance kit, quantity type 1; 48966 231 slide rack heavy duty locking 6 slide drawer, quantity type 10; 101000 slide rack stand, quantity type 5; 200550 interlocking containment pans, quantity type 4

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