An indication of whether or not a container from which the item is completely removable is provided.ALFK
Indicates the type of lettering for which the item is designed.BCNM
Lettering Type For Which Designed:
Angular or vertical
An indication of the width of lettering for which the item is designed.BCNN
Err Default:
Err default or err default
Indicates the type of angle scriber provided.BCNP
Err Default:
Err default
The number of lettering guide(s) provided.BCNQ
Err Default:
Err default
A measurement from the bottom to the top of the upper case character,in distinction from depth.BCNR
Upper Case Character Height:
0.100 inches and 0.120 inches and 0.140 inches and 0.175 inches and 0.200 inches and 0.240 inches and 0.350 inches and 0.500 inches
A measurement from the bottom to the top of the lower case character,in distinction from depth.BCNS
Lower Case Character Height:
0.100 inches and 0.120 inches and 0.140 inches and 0.175 inches and 0.200 inches and 0.240 inches and 0.350 inches and 0.500 inches
A measurement from the bottom to the top of the numeral.BCNT
Numeral Height:
0.100 inches and 0.120 inches and 0.140 inches and 0.175 inches and 0.200 inches and 0.240 inches and 0.350 inches and 0.500 inches
An indication of whether or not an integral scriber groove is included.BCNW
Err Default:
Err default
The element,compound,or mixture of which the lettering guide is fabricated,excluding any surface treatment.BCSW
Err Default:
Err default
The number of pen(s) provided.BCSX
Err Default:
Err default
Designates the line size of the pen and the number of pen(s) provided.BCSY
Err Default:
Err default
An indication of whether or not a socket and penholder for freehand lettering is included.BCSZ
Err Default:
Err default
The number,letter,or symbol that indicates the type,style,grade,class,and the like,of an item in a nonidentifying specification or standard.ZZZT
Specification Or Standard:
1 kind and 18 set and 1 style and b symbol and i type