부품 정보
L-band signal conditioning module
L-band Conditioner Module
The national stock number or the identification information of the end equipment for which the item is a part.AGAV
End Application:
Brat jtids testers rf30bj and rf405j
The master requirement codes of those requirements which are technically critical by reason of tolerance,fit,performance,or other characteristics which affect identification of the item.CRTL
Criticality Code Justification:
Describes the capabilities,intended use,and/or purpose for which the item is provided.FTLD
Functional Description:
Performs both l-band rf to 75 mhz if and 75 mhz if to l-band rf signal conversions; mixes a 75 mhz cpsm input from cpsm modulator/demodulator module with a 348 mhz input from reference generator module and an l-band rf input from frequency synthesizer to produce the desired l-band rf output for unit under test
Literature and references available for information pertaining to the item.RDAL
Reference Data And Literature:
To 33d7-3-438-1
Characteristics or qualities of an item,not covered in any other requirement,which are considered essential information for one or more functions excluding nsn assignment.SUPP
Supplementary Features:
Used in rf bay assembly 96740105