부품 정보
Dc bridge circuit principle; recording data, sgl pen recording; temp range data, 0 degrees to plus 200 degrees f temp range, calibrated to nickel resistance bul, 1/4 of 1 pct accuracy rating; w/indicating scale, 0 degrees to 200 degrees f range, 2 degrees f smalles graduated div; chart data, strip chart, 4.5 in. Per hr nom chart speed, the bristol co, chart no.R5053; case data, moistureproof and dustproof type, steel, o/a dim., 19 in.Lg, 15-23/32 in.W, 14-3/4 in.Deep; motor driven, ac, 120v, 60 cycles, single phase; w/balancing motor; mtd, surface type, 6 mtg holes, 3/16 in.Dia mtg holes