A recording of the physical,functional,and performance characteristics for an item of supply.TEXT
General Description:
Seal c/o 90125-1 which c/o: 1 seal case, 90125-1-100, 416 ss; 1-o-ring, 020-517, flurocarbon; 1-seal ring, carbon graphit (gs-100) ; 1-magnet, 90125-62b-13, alnico-5, 1-oring, 027-517, fluorocarbon; 90125-1 & 1-spirolox, ur-137-s, 302 ss; & 1-o-ring, 223-517, florocarbon & 1-gland, 90125-1-4, alum & 1-split sleeve, 18-8 ss; media: mil-h-5606, hyd oil; temp: -65 f to 275 f; press: 60-80 psi normal forp1; media: atmosphere for p2; shaft speed 3750 rpm