부품 정보
Ifr 6000 precision simulator
Transponder Set Test Set
The principal parts that are included in an assembled unit.AEAS
Major Components:
Simulator; power supply; antenna; breakout box; antenna shield; coaxial cable
The relationship of the electrical power source to the item.AKWC
Electrical Power Source Relationship:
Alternate operating
An indication of whether or not a facility/ies/ to accommodate a battery/ies/ is included.ALSF
Internal Battery Accommodation:
An indication of the feature/s/ of the inclosure.ANPZ
Inclosure Feature:
Multiple item w/carrying case
Indicates the type of test for which the item is designed.AQXY
Test Type For Which Designed:
Functionality test airborne transponder modes, dme's and emitters
Those unusual or unique characteristics or qualities of an item not covered in the other requirements and which are determined to be essential for identification.FEAT
Special Features:
Xpdr auto test provides a full far part 43 appendix f test; parametric tests include erp, mtl, pulse widths and spacings; separate screens for display of primary elementary and enhyanced surveillance parameters; predeterminded user selectable xpdr config files allow different classes of atcrbs and mode s transponder to be tested; altitude endoder screen for monitoring encoding altimeter grey code; xpdr and dme setup screens provide user defined operation parameters; single dme test scren provides control over dme frequency/channel, range, rate, rf level, % reply, squitter, ident and echo
Characteristics or qualities of an item,not covered in any other requirement,which are considered essential information for one or more functions excluding nsn assignment.SUPP
Supplementary Features:
Lcd display with automatic light sensing illumination control; internal battery allowing six hours operation before recharge; automatic power shutdown after approximately 15 minutes of non-use when ac power is not connected; compacvt size and lightweight for one person operation