The length of a straight line which passes through the center of a circular figure or body,and terminates at the inside circumference.AARX
Inside Diameter:
Between 0.933 inches and 0.943 inches
The length of a straight line which passes through the center of an item,and terminates at the outside circumference.ABHE
Outside Diameter:
Between 1.179 inches and 1.189 inches
Designates the specific surface roughness rating,representing the arithmetic average deviation of the surface from the meanline in profile.CSYM
Surface Finish:
63.0 microinches bore
Designates the specific surface roughness rating,representing the arithmetic average deviation of the surface from the meanline in profile.CSYM
Surface Finish:
63.0 microinches largest outside diameter
Designates the specific surface roughness rating,representing the arithmetic average deviation of the surface from the meanline in profile.CSYM
Surface Finish:
63.0 microinches left side
Designates the specific surface roughness rating,representing the arithmetic average deviation of the surface from the meanline in profile.CSYM
Surface Finish:
63.0 microinches right side
The chemical compound or mechanical mixture properties of which the item is fabricated.MATT
Copper alloy 922
The specification,standard,or manufacturers reference,and the classification designation,such as class,condition,temper,and the like,that identifies the material.MDCL
Material Specification:
Astm b61 assn standard single material response or qq-c-390 federal specification single material response
The number,letter,or symbol that indicates the type,style,grade,class,and the like,of an item in a nonidentifying specification or standard.ZZZT
Specification Or Standard:
3, fig 9, 3/8 in. Pipe size; -1183/11 table