A recording of the physical,functional,and performance characteristics for an item of supply.TEXT
General Description:
Zmajor diameter internal 2.1663 plus 0.0101 in.; minor diameter internal 1.872 plus 0.006 in. Not go gage, 29.500 in. O/a lg, consists of, involute go composite ring ga, side fit no. 7989297, involute tapered tooth ma pl for go cmpst ring go no. 7989298, invoolute not go sector ring gage no. 7989299, involute go composite plug gage, side fit no. 7989300, involute not go sector plug gage no. 7989301, fixture gage concentricity no. 8390901 involuite tprd tooth ma pl for not go secotor ring gage no. 10957207