부품 정보
Dot reference ex1988050505a; hazard class/division 1.4; compatibility group g; new for transportation 1.340000; newqd for storage 0.000000
Personnel Distress Signal Kit
A measurement of the longest dimension of an item unencumbered by packaging or packing,in distinction from width.AJAF
Unpackaged Unit Length:
8.560 inches
A measurement taken at right angles to the length of an item unencumbered by packaging or packing,in distinction from thickness.AJAG
Unpackaged Unit Width:
6.920 inches
A measurement from the bottom to the top of an item unencumbered by packaging or packing,in distinction from depth.AJAH
Unpackaged Unit Height:
6.390 inches
The combined group of letters,numerals,and/or symbols which compose the assigned model number of the package.AJYJ
Package Model Number:
Mk 3 mod 0
The combined group of letters,numerals,and/or symbols which compose the assigned model number of the item.AMWN
Model Number:
Mk 189 mod 0
A nine /9/ character semisignificant number divided into two parts by a hyphen centrally assigned to generic descriptions applicable to items of supply in fsg 13 and 14.DDAC
Dod Ammunition Code:
The identification number assigned by the department of transportation (dot) to each proper shipping name. identification numbers preceded by the letters "un" are associated with international as well as domestic transportation and those preceded by the letters "na" are not recognized for international transportation of hazardous materials (dangerous goods) except to and from the united states and canada.DENN
Dot Identification Number:
An alpha-numeric code assigned by the department of transportation identifying the final hazard classification.DTRC
Dot Registration Code:
The net weight of the explosive content of the item for transportation and/or storage.EXWT
Net Explosive Weight:
1.34 storage pounds and 1.34 transportation pounds
An alpha-numeric code identifying a group or classification of various materials as to their potential to cause explosions,fires or damage by chemical action.HMCC
Hazardous Material Classification Code:
1.4 department of defense hazard class division
Indicates the relationship,such as construction,capabilities,and the like,of the item to a similar item.RTSE
Relationship To Similar Equipment:
Similar to 19-48-4116/107h
The proper shipping name as identified by the department of transportation (dot) and listed in the title 49 code of federal regulations (cfr), part 172, hazardous materials table.SHPN
Dot Proper Shipping Name:
Signal devices, hand
Characteristics or qualities of an item,not covered in any other requirement,which are considered essential information for one or more functions excluding nsn assignment.SUPP
Supplementary Features:
Consists of 2 mk 79 mod 2 signal kits and 6 mk 124 mod 0 signals