부품 정보
Switchable bandwidth limits: ac coupled (lower -3db freq): 10 hz; lf reject (lower -3db freq): 400 hz; bandwidth limit (upper -3db freq): 30 mhz; 2 channels; 1 mv/div to 5v/div vertical sensitivity range, vert. Gain accuracy: porm 1.25 pct. Of full scale; vert. Resolution: 8 bits over 8 div (porm 4 pct.), 10 bits via hpib w/averaging (porm 0.1 pct.) ; max. Sample rate: 1 gs a/s; waveform record lgth: 8001 pts real time, 501 repetitive; input coupling: ac, dc; autoscale feature; 17 automatic pulse paramenter measurements; waveform storage; external trigger functions: glitch, edge, pattern, state, dig. Delay x time/event, tv, time qual.Pattern