부품 정보
Resin, demineralizer mixed bed
Ion Exchange Compound
The peculiar storage feature/s/ required for an item in order to provide the degree of protection necessary to maintain serviceability standards.AJCN
Protective Storage Feature:
Subject to damage by freezing
An indication of the level of potential for adverse skin reactions from dermal exposure to a product.DERM
Level Of Dermal Irritation Potential:
Those unusual or unique characteristics or qualities of an item not covered in the other requirements and which are determined to be essential for identification.FEAT
Special Features:
Msds no-m00283, keep away from acids oxidizers protect from freezing do not allow product to dry out
The justification for the assignment of a federal supply class /fsc/ to an item based on the classification of the next higher classifiable assembly.ZZZV
Fsc Application Data:
Water treatment deionization