The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the appearance of the first end.AAGZ
First End Style:
Internal threaded
A term used to identify the ends as identical or not identical.AAHN
End Similarity:
Not identical
The style designation indicating the configuration that most nearly corresponds to the appearance of the second end.AAHP
Second End Style:
Unthreaded cross drilled
The dimension measured along the longitudinal axis with terminated points at the extreme ends of the item.ABHP
Overall Length:
Between 6.240 inches and 6.250 inches
The length of a straight line which passes through the center of the first end,and terminates at the circumference.AMDL
First End Diameter:
Between 0.1870 inches and 0.1896 inches
A measurement of the extent of complete /full/ internal threads,along a line parallel to the longitudinal axis of the first end.AMER
First End Internal Thread Length:
0.300 inches
The length of a straight line which passes through the center of the second end,and terminates at the circumference.AMFZ
Second End Diameter:
Between 0.1870 inches and 0.1896 inches
The length of a straight line which passes through the center of a hole or body of the second end,and terminates at the circumference.AMGS
Second End Hole Diameter:
Between 0.0620 inches and 0.0650 inches
Second End Distance From Hole Center To End:
0.155 inches
The justification for the assignment of a federal supply class /fsc/ to an item based on the classification of the next higher classifiable assembly.ZZZV
Fsc Application Data:
Computer, roll-pitch-yaw cp-1330/asw-44