부품 정보
Mgfrnameforitem, printedwiringsubassemblyclockonchipmain (ocms) boardb
The distance measured in a straight line from the bottom to the top of an item.ABKW
Overall Height:
0.240 inches
The national stock number or the identification information of the end equipment for which the item is a part.AGAV
End Application:
Jointstrsrd, e/ifscm27963
Those features,not otherwise specified,which may be required for proper functioning of the item.CBBL
Features Provided:
Electrostatic sensitive
Markings included on an item for the purpose of offering instructions or warnings or to indicate the purpose,function,or application of the item.excludes manufacturers part numbers,symbols,or the like.MARK
Special Markings:
Identifyassywhereshownpermil-std-130, usingyellowepoxyink, conformingtomil-i-43553
A recording of the physical,functional,and performance characteristics for an item of supply.TEXT
General Description:
Caution-electrostaticsensitivedevice; removeelectrostaticprotectionatuseorinprotectedarea; reusepackagingmaterialsfortheunserviceableitem; seedod-hdbk-263forprotectivehandlingortestingforthisitem
The document designator of the specification or standard which established the item of supply.ZZZK
Specification Data:
27963-mil-p-28809-revf government specification