A term used to denote the specific measurement of duration used to indicate the average life of the item.AFSU
Average Life Measurement:
Not rated
The portion of the frequency spectrum at which an item is designed to receive or transmit signal power.BHTB
Frequency Per Channel:
10.0 hertz output channel
The portion of the frequency spectrum at which an item is designed to receive or transmit signal power.BHTB
Frequency Per Channel:
1.0 megahertz output channel
The time required for one complete pulse per channel.BHTP
Pulse Duration Per Channel:
10.000 milliseconds output channel
The time required for one complete pulse per channel.BHTP
Pulse Duration Per Channel:
50.000 nanoseconds output channel
The length of time it takes the pulse to rise per channel.BHTQ
Pulse Rise Time Per Channel:
50.000 nanoseconds output channel
The maximum absolute peak value of the pulse per channel.BHTW
Pulse Peak Amplitude Per Channel:
100.000 volts output channel
The maximum absolute peak value of the pulse per channel.BHTW
Pulse Peak Amplitude Per Channel:
80.000 millivolts output channel
Indicates the type of pulse modulation per channel.BHTY
Pulse Modulation Type Per Channel:
Amplitude output channel