부품 정보
Rate resolution 0.01 mr/hr; maximum 65 r/hr; dose resolution 0.1 ur; maximum 230 r; rate specifications 0.1 mr/hr-65 r/hr; 0.1 ugy/hr-575 mgy/hr; exposure specs 1 nr-230 r; 0.01 ngy-2 gy; calibration accuracy porm 4 pct using x-rays at 150 kvp and 10.2 mm ai hvl; exposure rate dependence p 0 pct, m 5 pct, 0.1 mr/hr to 20 r/hr, m10 pct to 65 r/hr; energy dependence porm 5 pct, 33 kev to 1.33 mev, with build up material; construction polycarbonate walls and electrode; conducting graphite exterior coating; 1800 cm3 active volume; 0.54 kg