부품 정보
Can analyze upto 61 elements max; vacuum type; focal curve 580.0 nm; wavelength range 168.0 to 500.0 nm; temp operating range 60/85 degrees f; 70 exit slits; aperture ratio f/19; grating aluminized from interometrically ruled master, fused quartz, spaced 2400 grooves per mm, ruled 30x40 mm, blaze 270 nm, angle of incidence 42 deg; vacuum pump system, modular 300.0 litre per min cap.W/valve; readout system computer controlled, conversion time 50 microsec; off-axis concave, front surface mirror, mag 3.4x focused on entrance slit 3mm by 25 microm, positio by tilting mirror, range 40mm ht by 20 mm wd; gas-argon, 18 liter per min flow; water 0.5 gpm