A listing of those major components,outside the scope of an item of supply to be cataloged,as indicated by the name of the manufacturer,and the name and number of the item as identified by the manufacturer,and the number of each.AJKD
Nonsupply Items And Quantities:
First aid cabinet 1, 1 in. Adhesive tape 2, 1 oz cotton 1, 4 1/2 in. Absprbent gauze 1, spirits of ammonia 1, pvp iodine 2, paper cups 6, forceps 1, first aid card 1, scissors 1, 1 in. Gauze bandages 2, 2 in. Gauze bandages 2, sterile boric acid soultion 1, 3 in. Gauze compresses 25, 2 in. Gauze compresses 25, 1/2 in. Adhesive tape 1 roll, 1 1/2 in. Telfa adhesive pads 10, 2 in. Telfa adhesive pads 10, 4 in. Non-adherent compress w/72 in. Bandage 1, 2 in. Non-adherent compress w/36 in. Bandage 1, 2 1/4 in. Adhesive bandage, non-adherent pad 1, 1 in. Adhesive bandages 32, ammonia inhalants 10, calloid burn ointment 4 tubes, aspirin, 2/env, 50 envelopes, 40 in. Triangular bandage 1, eye dressing set 1, tourniquet 1, ice-pak compress 1, 8 x 10 in. Non-adherent compress w/2 in. X 6 yd 6auze bandage 1