Mil-std-171, table 7, finish number 7.3.3 mil spec single treatment response
Mil-std-171, finish 24.17 mil std 1st treatment response and fed-std-505, color 24533, seafoam green,navy fed std 2nd treatment response
Mil-std-171, finish 5.1.1. Mil std 1st treatment response and fed-std-595, color 37030, black camo fed std 2nd treatment response
2.52 x 2.39 x 1.00 with 0.57 in. Flanges on both long sides and one short one; each flange has 3 holes, 0.190 in. Dia; finish is 7.3.1. Of mil-std-171 (chromate)
Asme y14.100;protective finish 5.3.1 of mil-std-171 and 24.17 of mil-std-171;mil-dtl-53072;no finish on foam strips;assembly 2 panhead machine screws,2 plain hex nut,2 plain wing nut,foam strip,cylinder ring,ring brace,washer
Mil-std-171, paint color green mil std single treatment response