MIL-STD-171 Bearings Antifriction Unmounted

페이지 1 of 1
NSN 3110-01-210-8412 Bearing Ball Retainer

물자 명세:

Mil-std-171 mil std 1st treatment response overall and tt-e-529 fed spec 2nd treatment response overall

NSN 3110-01-181-1134 Bearing Seat

물자 명세:

Mil-std-171 mil std single treatment response overall

NSN 3110-01-135-5271 Bearing Retaining Plate

물자 명세:

Mil-std-171,finish 7.2.2 mil std single treatment response overall

NSN 3110-01-131-7409 Bearing Retaining Plate

물자 명세:

Mil-std-171,finish no.5.4.1 mil std single treatment response overall

NSN 3110-01-120-9538 Bearing Ball

물자 명세:

Mil-std-171 fn 5.4.1 mil std single treatment response overall


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