MIL-STD-171 Commercial Hardware

페이지 1 of 31
NSN 5340-01-646-0067 Double Angle Bracket

물자 명세:

Finish is 7.2.2 of mil-std-171, dyed black, color number 37038 per fed-std-595.

NSN 5340-01-643-7030 Angle Bracket

물자 명세:

1aw5.1.1mil-st171 mil std 1st material response and 24.17mil-std-171 mil std 2nd material response

NSN 5340-01-641-1384 Mounting Plate

물자 명세:

Mil-std-171 mil std single treatment response


Tan, 686a

NSN 5340-01-631-2394 Roller Holder

물자 명세:

Weld iaw d1.1. Blast iaw sspc sp-110 to a 1.0-1.5 mil profile,apply primer iaw a-a-59745,finish 20.24 of mil-std-171,green 383 no. 34094 iaw fed-std-595.

NSN 5340-01-629-5768 Double Angle Bracket

물자 명세:

Mil-std-171,no. 1.8 mil std single treatment response

NSN 5340-01-627-3268 Butt Hinge

물자 명세:

Passivated, mil-std-171, finish no. 5.4.1 overall

NSN 5340-01-627-2022 Mounting Bracket

물자 명세:

Assembly includes 14 items in parts list; finish: abrasive blasting per finish 4.1 of mil-std-171

NSN 5340-01-626-7989 Mounting Bracket

물자 명세:

Mil-std-171 mil std 1st treatment response and mil-dtl-53072 mil spec 2nd treatment response

NSN 5340-01-625-9752 Mounting Bracket

물자 명세:

Mil-std-171 mil std 1st material response

NSN 5340-01-625-1183 Mounting Bracket

물자 명세:

Per 5.1.1 of mil-std-171 mil std 1st treatment response and per 24.7 of mil-std-171 mil std 2nd treatment response

NSN 5340-01-625-0425 Turnbuckle

물자 명세:

Make from 11b5091111. Excluding internal and external threads, finish per 5.1.1 of mil-std-171, floowed by 20.24 of mil-std-171. Color 33446 of fed-std-595. Apply and test per mil-dtl-53072.

NSN 5340-01-624-9679 Mounting Bracket

물자 명세:

Finish 5.1.1 of mil-std-171 followed by 24.17 of mil-std-171. Color 31350 of fed-std-595. Aply and test per mil-dly-53072. Mill spindle head bracket part number is 11b5160002.

NSN 5340-01-621-4134 Mounting Bracket

물자 명세:

Finish 5.1.1 of mil-std-171,followed by 20.24. Color 33446 of fed-std-595

NSN 5340-01-621-3734 Angle Bracket

물자 명세:

7.3.1 iaw mil-std-171,20.24 iaw mil-std-171;color 33446 of fed-std-595 mil std single treatment response

NSN 5340-01-621-0874 Access Cover

물자 명세:

Mil-std-171, table vii, finish no. 7.3.3 fed spec single treatment response


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