MIL-S-6050 {lang[spec-std]}

페이지 6 of 178
NSN 5305-01-332-8610 Machine Screw

물자 명세:

Ams6300 assn std 1st material response or mil-s-6050 mil spec 2nd material response

NSN 5305-01-321-4109 Shoulder Screw

물자 명세:

Mil-s-6050 mil spec 1st material response overall or ams 6300 assn std 2nd material response overall

NSN 5305-01-321-2393 Shoulder Screw

물자 명세:

Mil-s-6050 mil spec 1st material response overall or ams 6300 assn std 2nd material response overall

NSN 5305-01-320-1907 Machine Screw

물자 명세:

Mil-s-6050 cond f mil spec single material response

NSN 5305-01-316-8166 Machine Screw

물자 명세:

Ams 6300 assn std 1st material response or mil-s-6050 mil spec 2nd material response

NSN 5365-01-315-2225 Sleeve Spacer

물자 명세:

Mil-s-6050 mil spec single material response overall

NSN 5305-01-310-9509 Machine Screw

물자 명세:

Ams 6300 assn std 1st material response or mil-s-6050 mil spec 2nd material response

NSN 5305-01-310-9508 Machine Screw

물자 명세:

Ams 6300 assn std 1st material response or mil-s-6050 mil spec 2nd material response

NSN 3120-01-307-8664 Sleeve Bushing

물자 명세:

Mil-s-6050 mil std single material response overall and mil-s-6758 mil std 1st material response overall and mil-t-6736 mil std 2nd material response overall

NSN 5305-01-306-8016 Machine Screw

물자 명세:

Ams 6300 assn std 1st material response or mil-s-6050 mil spec 2nd material response

NSN 3120-01-306-3569 Sleeve Bushing

물자 명세:

Mil-s-6050 mil std single material response overall or mil-s-6758 mil std 1st material response overall or mil-t-6736 mil std 2nd material response overall

NSN 5305-01-304-9450 Shoulder Screw

물자 명세:

Ams 6300 assn std 1st material response overall or mil-s-6050 mil spec 2nd material response overall

NSN 5305-01-299-9524 Machine Screw

물자 명세:

Ams 6300 assn std 1st material response or mil-s-6050 mil spec 2nd material response

NSN 5305-01-293-6638 Machine Screw

물자 명세:

Mil-s-6050 mil spec 1st material response or ams6300 assn std 2nd material response

NSN 3120-01-293-0061 Sleeve Bushing

물자 명세:

Mil-s-6050 mil spec 1st material response overall or mil-s-6758 mil spec 2nd material response overall

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