MIL-P-19834 {lang[spec-std]}

페이지 1 of 5
NSN 7690-01-617-7934 Identification Marker

물자 명세:

Mil-p-19834, type 1 mil spec single material response

NSN 7690-01-571-6597 Label

물자 명세:

Qq-a-250/8 fed spec 1st material response and mil-p-19834 mil spec 2nd material response

NSN 9905-01-561-6315 Instruction Plate

물자 명세:

Mil-p-19834 mil spec all material responses

NSN 7690-01-540-5498 Identification Marker

물자 명세:

Mil-p-19834, type 1, except backing sheet, which may be of paper mil spec single material response

NSN 5330-01-530-1638 Gasket

물자 명세:

Mil-p-19834 mil spec single material response backing

NSN 9905-01-524-4162 Identification Plate

물자 명세:

Mil-p-19834 mil spec single material response


Black inscription background

NSN 9905-01-519-2568 Identification Plate

물자 명세:

Mil-p-19834, type ii mil spec single material response


Red, fed std 595, 21105 inscription background

NSN 9905-01-519-2566 Identification Plate

물자 명세:

Mil-p-19834, type ii mil spec single material response


Black, fed std 595, 37038 inscription background

NSN 9905-01-518-8694 Identification Plate

물자 명세:

Mil-p-19834 mil spec all material responses


White inscription background

NSN 9905-01-518-1727 Identification Plate

물자 명세:

Mil-p-19834 ty1 st3 mil spec all material responses


Black, fed std 595, 17038 inscription

NSN 9905-01-517-1780 Identification Plate

물자 명세:

Mil-p-19834 mil spec all material responses


Red inscription background

NSN 9905-01-516-7413 Identification Plate

물자 명세:

Mil-p-19834 mil spec single material response

NSN 9905-01-513-4110 Identification Plate

물자 명세:

Mil-p-19834 type 1 mil spec single material response


Black inscription background

NSN 9905-01-512-5824 Identification Plate

물자 명세:

Mil-p-19834 type 1 mil spec single material response


Yellow inscription background

NSN 9905-01-511-9511 Identification Plate

물자 명세:

Mil-p-19834 mil spec all material responses


Black inscription

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