Cs-301,fscm 03938 mfr ref 1st material response overall and cs-301,fscm 03938 mfr ref 2nd material response overall and cs-301,fscm 03938 mfr ref 3rd material response overall or mil-c-6183,ty 2,cl 2,grade c mil spec 4th material response overall and mil-c-6183,ty 2,cl 2,grade c mil spec 5th material response overall
Mil-c-6183 ty 2 cl 2 gr c mil spec single material response overall
Mil-c-6183,class 2,grade medium mil spec single material response overall
Mil-c-6183 ty 2 cl 2 gr a mil spec 2nd material response overall or cs-301 fscm 03938 mfr ref 2nd material response overall
Mil-c-6183,ty 1,cl 1,gr c mil spec all material responses overall or mil-c-6183,ty 1,cl 2,gr c mil spec all material responses overall
Mil-c-6183,ty 2,cl 2,gr b mil spec all material responses overall